
Showing posts from October, 2019

New Invention Gives Hope To All Those Suffering From Chronic Snoring...

  Users enthusiastically. Clever invention fights annoying snoring. Millions of people are familiar with it - snoring. The number one annoyance in the bedroom at night. About one in two men and one in four women of middle age or older snores in their sleep. Previously dismissed as just an annoying disturbance of the peace, snoring is now recognized as a serious sleep and health disorder. These nightly lapses in sleep can even be life-threatening! Now there's a revolutionary helper that immediately improves nasal breathing and can thereby keep snoring from happening. Let's start from the beginning. When snoring, loud breathing noises occur in the upper airways during sleep. A full 70 decibels — as loud as a passing truck. That's the sound many people fall asleep to. The causes of snoring are based on anatomical bottlenecks such as swollen tonsils, polyps, a curved nasal septum, or an excessively long uvula. Men over 50 years old, especially, snore. As man

NVR vs. DVR – What’s The Difference?

When shopping for a security system, you’ll need to choose between a DVR or NVR recorder. Both perform the same function but differ in how and the type of cameras used. Understanding the difference between DVR and NVR is essential when evaluating security systems. In this article, our security experts will break down the differences and detail the pros and cons of each so that you can make an informed decision. NVR vs. DVR – The Basics At the core, both NVR and DVRs are responsible for video recording. DVR stands for Digital Video Recorder, whereas NVR stands for Network Video Recorder. The difference between NVR and DVR is how they process video data. DVR systems process the video data at the recorder, whereas NVR systems encode and process the video data at the camera, then stream it to the NVR recorder which is used for storage and remote viewing. As DVRs and NVRs handle the video data differently, they re

Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance

  Solar System Components Solar systems are made up of solar panels (modules), a mounting system, and a solar inverter with computerised controller. Solar panels produce DC electricity from sunlight. Then the inverter converts the generated electricity into AC, so that it can be used in the household. The computerised controller manages the solar system and ensures optimal performance. If you want battery backup system or an off-the-grid solar system, a battery is required. Solar Panel Installation The most common location for the installation of solar panels (solar PV) is the roof. Most roofs typically have the desired specifications for the installation. Nevertheless, if installation on the roof is not applicable or desired, the solar panels could also be mounted on the ground. You just need to make sure that there are not objects constraining their access to the sun. Setting up a solar battery storage at the same time of installing a solar system can save you from worrying